I love this image and bible verse from
Heart & Soul Rubber Stamp Co., because it sums up everything about Christ. He truly is the Way, the Truth and the Life!
Lately I've been listening to Adrian Rogers' podcasts on iTunes, and they just finished running his series on how *Jesus is God's Answer to Man's _ _ _ _ _ *, it's been so awesome. There are seven sermons in the series:
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Disappointment
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Disability
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Desire
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Darkness
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair
Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death
I originally found his podcasts through his ministry website,
Love Worth Finding (
www.lwf.org) and now I've downloaded all of them onto my ipod. I love to listen as I do my chores and garden work!
Stamps: 1667-Jesus
Papers: K & Co. dp, Stampin' Up cardstock